Heino Stöver is a social scientist, PhD and Professor of Social Scientific Addiction Research at the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt/ Germany, Faculty of Health and Social Work. Since 1987 he has been director of the Archive and Documentation Centre for Drug Literature and Research at the University of Bremen (www.archido.de). He is co-founder of the Bremen Institute for Drug Research (BISDRO), president of the national umbrella organisation working in the field of harm reduction for drug users called akzept e.V. (Bundesverband für akzeptierende Drogenarbeit und humane Drogenpolitik; www.akzept.org). Since the 1st of September he is director of the “Institute of Addiction Research of the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt am Main.”
Heino Stöver’s main fields of research and project development expertise are health promotion for vulnerable groups, drug services, prisons and related health issues (especially HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and drug dependence). His research and consultancy expertise includes working as a consultant for the European Commission, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), WHO, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Open Society Institute (OSI) in various contexts.
He has published several articles in peer reviewed international journals and books on preventing and treating infectious diseases adequately (HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, STIs, and TB), opioid substitution programmes (including the provision of heroin) in the community and in prisons, and general health care issues in prisons. He is cofounder of the International Journal of Prisoner Health. Heino Stöver has gained project experience by participating in several projects in the European Union, WHO and UNODC.
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